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Brands We Sell


The Brands We Offer


PÜRR Glass

An all American company out of California that strives to use the best quality materials to make all their pieces. They Invented the PÜRR2GO travel bubblers that are easy to transport and clean by being able to dismantle into smaller pieces. They also do repairs! To learn more click below.


Six B Glass

A company that offers high quality water pipes to fit anyone’s budget. They create everything from basic beaker bottoms to water pipes with multiple intricate percs.

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Tsunami Glass

A company that designs a wide array of water pipes, rigs, and vaporizers. It’s unique designs let it stand out from its competitors while still remaining affordable and extremely functional.

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Arcatek Glass

Very colorful, very thick glass water pipes that have unique sandblasted designs bristling throughout every piece. They are very functional, sturdy pieces that are bound to catch anyone’s eye.